Accreditation Statement: Einstein Healthcare Network is accredited by the Pennsylvania Medical Society
to provide Continuing Medical Education for physicians.
Physician Credit Designation Statement: Einstein Healthcare Network designates this live activity for
a maximum of 6 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate
with the extent of their participation in the educational activity. Learners must successfully complete the
evaluation to be eligible for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM.
Conflict of Interest Statement: Faculty and all others who have the ability to control the content of
continuing medical education activities sponsored by Einstein Healthcare Network are expected to
disclose to the audience whether they do or do not have any real or apparent conflict(s) of interest or other relationships related to the content of their presentation(s).
Statement of Support: The CME activity of this Symposium is sponsored by Einstein Society Innovative Program Grant and Einstein Medical Center Department of Radiology.

Target Audience: This activity targets subspecialty physicians in the fields of Neurology, Neurosurgery, Rehabilitation Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Neuroradiology, research scientists and neuroscience graduate students.

Statement of Need: In the current environment, each discipline approaches TBI within their own paradigm.  With increasing sub-specialization, rapid advances in clinical care and research and emerging ethical and legal problems, the forefront of TBI care calls for the enhancement of interdisciplinary communication and collaboration.

Learning Objectives:


Define the concept of traumatic brain injury, including spectrum of injury, from the perspectives of neurological, neurosurgical, rehabilitation medicine and psychiatry subspecialties, with objective clinical tools and criteria where applies

Define clinical recovery and learn to assess for progressive damage with objective clinical tools and criteria where applies

Review the current treatment tools as applied to acute care and to include non-experimental treatment options

Discuss the newer and promising therapies as they apply to each subspecialty practice

Critique the current gaps in knowledge and clinical practices

Propose improvements in the care continuum from emergency acute care setting to long term recovery of traumatic brain injury patients.


Define TBI, including spectrum and mechanisms of injury and repair, from a basic science perspective.

Summarize our current understanding of the basic science in terms of cellular and molecular level pathophysiologic neurodegenerative and neurorepair mechanisms in TBI.

Review the pre-clinical phase studies and clinical trials currently in progress or recently concluded.

Identify common pathways and language in our understanding of TBI and treatment approaches.

Distinguish the features of the pre-clinical research that makes it to final phase clinical trials and/or  widely adopted use of a novel treatment option?

Define traumatic brain injury and recovery process from a neuroimaging perspective, with objective measures and criteria where applies, and including currently identifiable structural and functional brain changes

Review the current and emerging structural, functional and  molecular neuroimaging tools and techniques (such as and not restricted to CT, MRI, PET, SPECT, MEG, fMRI, DTI, DKI).

Recognize the utilization of neuroimaging in delivery and research of novel therapies.

Discuss the role of routine clinical surveillance neuroimaging in the care of TBI patients.

Discuss the current state of translational research in helping novel imaging techniques integrate into clinical neuroimaging.

Critique the utilization of clinical and experimental neuroscience knowledge and tools in ethical and legal decision making processes in issues specific to traumatic brain injury patient.

Evaluate impaired consciousness, impairment of executive functioning/decision making capacity and brain death from an ethical and medico-legal standpoint.

Propose potential solutions to emerging ethical and legal problems in current TBI care and novel treatment approaches.

Discuss the rights of the conscious impaired patient , their families and healthcare providers regarding clinical care, novel brain enhancement therapies and end of life decisions.


CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATEMENT: It is the policy of Einstein Healthcare Network to ensure balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in its sponsored educational programs. CME/CE speakers are required to disclose to the audience their financial relationships with the manufacturer(s) of any commercial products, goods or services related to the subject matter of the program topic. Any conflicts of interest must be resolved prior to the presentation and announced to the audience. The intent of this disclosure is to allow participants to form their own judgments about the educational content of this activity and determine whether the speaker’s commercial interests influenced the presentation. In addition, speakers are required to openly discuss any off-label, experimental, or investigational use of drugs or devices discussed in their presentation. Faculty and all others who have the ability to control the content of continuing medical education activities sponsored by Einstein Healthcare Network are expected to disclose to the audience whether they do or do not have any real or apparent conflict(s) of interest or other relationships related to the content of their presentation(s).

PLANNER/SPEAKER DISCLOSURE STATEMENT: The speaker/planners reported the following financial relationships or relationships to products or devices they or their spouse/life partner have with commercial interests related to the content of this CME/CE activity:

DISCLOSURE OF SUGGESTION OF “UNAPPROVED” PRODUCTS AND/OR DEVICES: Speakers are expected to disclose any discussion of off-label or investigational uses of products/devices not yet approved in the United States.

CEYLAN Z CANKURTARAN, MD, has no affiliations with commercial interests to disclose.

BROOKE DEVENNEY-CAKIR, MD, has no affiliations with commercial interests to disclose.

SAEED FAKHRAN, MD, has no affiliations with commercial interests to disclose.

JUNGHOON KIM, PHD, has no affiliations with commercial interests to disclose.

JOHN WHYTE, MD, PHD, The content of my presentation or materials in this CME activity/event will include discussion of unapproved or investigational uses of products or devices as indicated below: various psychoactive drugs.

DOUGLAS H. SMITH, MD, has no affiliations with commercial interests to disclose.


MARK KOTAPKA, MD, has no affiliations with commercial interests to disclose.

STEWART L. COHEN, ESQ, has no affiliations with commercial interests to disclose.


INDER DARSHAN KALRA, MD, The content of my presentation or materials in this CME activity/event will include discussion of unapproved or investigational uses of products or devices as indicated below: off label use of medications in management of agitation in traumatic brain injury.