Thomas Watanabe, MD

The Drucker Brain Injury Center, MossRehab

Thomas Watanabe, MD

The Drucker Brain Injury Center, MossRehab


Dr. Watanabe is the clinical director of the Drucker Brain Injury Center at MossRehab in Philadelphia, PA. He is actively involved in inpatient and outpatient clinical care as well as research and training of resident physicians and medical students. He has lectured extensively at local, national and international conferences, on a number of topics related to the care of individuals with neurological injuries. His primary clinical and research focus is on the medical management of individuals with traumatic brain injury. He has research grant support from the Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems of Care and is on the editorial board of PMR and the Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. He has authored numerous research and review articles and book chapters related to a number of subjects in rehabilitation medicine. He is an Associate Professor at the Temple University School of Medicine. He has been on staff at MossRehab since 2006.

All session by Thomas Watanabe, MD


9:00 am - 10:30 am EST